When Ravi Zacharias’s scandal emerged, it took me a while to process. I looked up to him for a long time. Maybe you’ve felt the same way about him, or even some other leader in the Church. And what about how we’ve addressed those who have been hurt by leaders in the Church? We haven’t helped the life of the Church with celebrity Christian culture.
Over time, a passage of Scripture helped me gain a better perspective on the Church, leadership, and how everyday people truly make a difference. I took some time to unpack this passage in the message I want to share with you today.
You can watch this message on YouTube here: You Don’t Have to be a Big Shot, to Make a Big Difference
And for those of you who prefer podcasts, you can find it on your favorite podcasting platform. Just search for “Theology Breakdown with Josh Samuel,” and check out the episode I put out on today, September 7th. Click this link to go right to a podcasting platform with my show: Theology Breakdown with Josh Samuel
And if you want to reach out to me with a prayer request or have a question or comment, feel free to send me a direct message through this link: https://joshsamuel.com/contact/.